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{ Monthly Archives } January 2011

down escalator

This sketch is the eleventh in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Eleven: Elements sketched from a color linocut print by Cyril E. Power, “Whence & Whither? (The Cascade).” The colors on doodle buddy come nowhere near the rich textures of Power’s print, and I ran […]

salt shaker

This sketch is the tenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Ten: No particular salt shaker. Just any classic one, sketched from my imagination.


tribute to munch

This sketch is the ninth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Nine: My scramble to sketch the first thing in front of me at midnight last night, led me to slaughter a woodcut by Edvard Munch. This more careful study of my favorite print of […]

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encounter in space

This sketch is the eighth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Eight: Super fast sketch inspired by a woodcut by Edvard Munch titled “Encounter in Space.” The true encounter for me was not in space, but time, when I realized at 12:05 AM that I […]

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little study after Dürer

This sketch is the seventh in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Seven: Bird’s wing and a bit of the skull face, finger painted and (poorly) copied after Dürer’s engraving, Coat of Arms with a Skull.  Dürer hated copiers, which he called “envious thieves.” You bet […]

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head of the charles rower guy

This sketch is the sixth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Six: Sometimes, when you’re trying to make a new program create the colors you want, it’s best to just use black and white. This is a finger-painted sketch after the woodcut-like rower that’s been […]

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push the red wall

This sketch is the fifth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Five: How can it be 10 pm, and me having worked all day, not drawn a thing? An alternate title for this sketch might be “get it done, get it done” or “practicing impatience.”

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still life with pit fruit and glass vase

This sketch is the fourth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Four: I love 1st-century Roman frescos: still life paintings long before the Dutch, and apparently clear glass a 1000 years or so before Murano. Their loveliness, unusually preserved by the natural disaster of Vesuvius […]

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Ode to the color of Thomas Moran (sailboat in the basino)

This sketch is the third in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Three: It’s not about line, it’s about color. Extra points to anyone who can tell me what the salmon-colored line represents. On a side note: I’m totally humbled by this guy’s iPad finger painting. […]

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jade dragon

This sketch is the second in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Two: Still discovering Corel Painter 11, still no wacom, but still fun!

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