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Day three hundred and thirty: Last night of finger painting on the iPad before I’m back in Philly with my computer and the digital drawing pad. I started by playing with a strange brush setting in Sketchbook Pro that made the background look like granite. I thought about trying to make a face carved in […]

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trees and crows

Day three hundred and twenty-nine: Late November in Minnesota can be so delightfully melancholy, especially when it hasn’t yet snowed. Bare trees, the last rake-missed leaves scattered and rustling beneath a low, overcast sky. Honking geese have left behind cawing black crows. Damp grays and browns settle and wait to be cloaked in a sparkling […]

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untitled (figure falling in fountain)

Day three hundred and twenty-eight: After a lot of cooking and visiting on a fine Thanksgiving day in Minneapolis, I am grateful that a simple doodle on the iPad is all that is required of the daily sketch. The figure and the blue burst flashed in my mind this afternoon, and when I sat down […]

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abstract brussels sprouts by finger paint

Day three hundred and twenty-seven: Finding myself at the iPad with nothing to sketch, and with Thanksgiving recipes on my mind, I started doodling Brussels sprouts from memory. I love drawing on the pad directly with my fingertips because it seems easier to make both fluid and straight lines than with my digital pen. It […]

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angel face

Day two hundred and seventy-three: Reading about the drawings and etched prints of Italian mannerist Parmigianino made me want to try a sketch after something he made in the sixteenth century. By chance, I found a snapshot I took with my iPhone of a drawing of an angel attributed to Parmigianino at the Philadelphia Museum […]

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