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slideshow with all 365 sketches in order

As promised to those who requested it, I put together a slideshow of all 365 of the daily sketches from 2011. It can be viewed on youtube by clicking on the cityscape above. (Or access at

ABOUT THE SLIDESHOW… Each of the 365 sketches displays for about 2.25 seconds in the order in which I made them. For those who want to study an image in particular, hit pause along the way. I have been skeptical about the success of this slideshow request because I prefer to ditch the drawings I like least. I think there’s plenty of garbage in here. Plus even at just over 2 seconds each, the slideshow is almost 15 minutes. I must admit, however, that upon forcing myself to watch it once all the way through, I was surprised to see a progression of subjects and styles that I was not fully conscious of at the time. More than once, I said to myself, “Oh, this sketch came right after that one? Interesting…” Last, I spent too much time trying to find music I thought would work (nothing seemed all-around satisfactory), so there’s no sound. Pretend you’re in a quiet gallery, or if you like, play your favorite tunes while watching.

For those who are interested in seeing my “best of the year” slideshow, visit and link to the video, or go directly to on youtube.

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