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Day one hundred and fifty: With touchdown in Lima at 11:30 PM, I realized in the Atlanta airport that this would be my last chance to post a drawing today. I used a new (to me) application for the iPad called Sketchbook. It has a lot of different brushes and effects (but no blender tools!), all of which seem promising, but so far are simply annoying because I don’t know how to use them to achieve a particular result. There is an art theory that a medium dictates it’s own style to some extent, and I suspect the same is true with digital painting programs. Especially ones with limited function and crafty effects. This sketch of a jet outside the window experiments with Sketchbook, and is a re-awakening of my rusty finger painting skills (expectations?) that I’m sure will grow over the next 10 days. Here’s to a jetset wifi digital world!

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