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{ Tag Archives } pen and ink

mad cat

This sketch is the eighty-third in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day eighty-three: I’m repeatedly amazed at how enjoyable sketching can be even when I don’t think I have a drawing in me. Tonight I just starting scribbling, and that got the juices flowing. Then I […]

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apian gear and aerial fish

This sketch is the seventieth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day seventy: Bizarre as it may seem, this drawing was inspired by a highly influential  Netherlandish artist of the sixteenth century: Pieter Bruegel the Elder. It brings together details from two drawings by Bruegel. The […]

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figure doodles

This sketch is the fifty-fourth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day fifty-four: I really admire artists who can draw figures doing just about anything. Whole scenes of men fighting or women bathing or both. I’m particularly fond of the ink and wash drawings of Ubaldo […]

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This sketch is the fifty-first in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day fifty-0ne: This sketch was inspired by my own study of water yesterday, but more importantly a print in my collection by late 19th-century artist Alphonse Legros. He used drypoint and the impression has quite […]

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This sketch is the forty-second in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day forty-two: Quick self portrait of me in my home office. The art history book for which I am a contributing author is under going a second round of proof editing. This is me figuratively […]

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sleepy sketcher

This sketch is the thirty-third in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day thirty-three: Tired and feeling uninspired, I somehow started sketching a picture of myself sketching this picture of myself. Since I didn’t have a mirror, I drew my image based on what I felt instead […]

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drippy still life

This sketch is the nineteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Nineteen: Super fast sketch of a flower vase using “real drippy pen.”

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This sketch is the sixteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Sixteen: Wow, Corel has a lot to offer! But I was stumped what to post since I’ve been experimenting for quite awhile today with colors and media, but didn’t quite figure out how to […]

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