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{ Monthly Archives } January 2011

temple ruins

This sketch is the twenty-first in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Twenty-one: Inspired by Greek temple ruins at Paestum, Italy.

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moon over winter lake

This sketch is the twentieth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Twenty: This imaginary snow-scape was inspired by a real view I saw this morning on my way home from the gym.

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drippy still life

This sketch is the nineteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Nineteen: Super fast sketch of a flower vase using “real drippy pen.”

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This sketch is the eighteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Eighteen: For some reason a bowl of citrus fruit popped into my head. Could it be that tomorrow is Paul Cézanne’s birthday? This is not after any work by Cézanne, but is entirely imaginary.

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This sketch is the seventeenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Seventeen: This unfinished drawing is a detail from a fresco excavated from a villa in Boscareale (near Vesuvius). The painting is now in the National Archeological Museum in Naples. In the original, she’s not […]

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This sketch is the sixteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Sixteen: Wow, Corel has a lot to offer! But I was stumped what to post since I’ve been experimenting for quite awhile today with colors and media, but didn’t quite figure out how to […]

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this ain’t no campagnola

This sketch is the fifteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Fifteen: I’m fascinated with Domenico Campagnola’s drawing style (first half of the 16th century, Venetian), and his phenomenal landscapes. This sketch is so horrible I cannot even call it a tribute. BUT I MADE […]



This sketch is the fourteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Fourteen: Wasn’t sure what to draw, so I drew what came to mind. Been thinking about layers of color, so started there with a ground of pale yellow and brick; thought about Munch’s “Jealousy” […]

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street lamp at winter dusk

This sketch is the thirteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Thirteen: Finger painted on my iPhone from my couch looking out at the street on a snowy day as the sun went down.


face from the black

This sketch is the twelfth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Twelve: Back to the master of “The Scream.” This sketch is after a detail in a lithograph by Munch titled “Jealousy” (1896). Yes, he’s the jealous one, though in the print his eyes are […]

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