temple ruins
This sketch is the twenty-first in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Twenty-one: Inspired by Greek temple ruins at Paestum, Italy.
Tagged ancient, art on art, landscape, oilThis sketch is the twenty-first in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Twenty-one: Inspired by Greek temple ruins at Paestum, Italy.
Tagged ancient, art on art, landscape, oilThis sketch is the nineteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Nineteen: Super fast sketch of a flower vase using “real drippy pen.”
Tagged black, pen and ink, still life, whiteThis sketch is the eighteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Eighteen: For some reason a bowl of citrus fruit popped into my head. Could it be that tomorrow is Paul Cézanne’s birthday? This is not after any work by Cézanne, but is entirely imaginary.
Tagged art on art, fruit, still lifeThis sketch is the seventeenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Seventeen: This unfinished drawing is a detail from a fresco excavated from a villa in Boscareale (near Vesuvius). The painting is now in the National Archeological Museum in Naples. In the original, she’s not […]
Tagged ancient, art on art, face, redThis sketch is the sixteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Sixteen: Wow, Corel has a lot to offer! But I was stumped what to post since I’ve been experimenting for quite awhile today with colors and media, but didn’t quite figure out how to […]
Tagged landscape, pen and inkThis sketch is the fifteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Fifteen: I’m fascinated with Domenico Campagnola’s drawing style (first half of the 16th century, Venetian), and his phenomenal landscapes. This sketch is so horrible I cannot even call it a tribute. BUT I MADE […]
Tagged landscapeThis sketch is the fourteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Fourteen: Wasn’t sure what to draw, so I drew what came to mind. Been thinking about layers of color, so started there with a ground of pale yellow and brick; thought about Munch’s “Jealousy” […]
Tagged allegory, black, face, munch, redThis sketch is the thirteenth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Thirteen: Finger painted on my iPhone from my couch looking out at the street on a snowy day as the sun went down.
Tagged landscapeThis sketch is the twelfth in a 365-day challenge to draw a picture a day, every day, for a year… Day Twelve: Back to the master of “The Scream.” This sketch is after a detail in a lithograph by Munch titled “Jealousy” (1896). Yes, he’s the jealous one, though in the print his eyes are […]
Tagged art on art, black, face, gray, munch, white